We have many fruits available for u-pick throughout different times of the season. Please check our u-pick availability below to see what’s in season before coming out. We ask our customers to please bring their own containers. Before you go out to pick, please bring your containers into the farm store (or out to the strawberry tent during the May/June strawberry season) and get your containers weighed ahead of time. We mark the tare weight before you pick so you aren’t charged for the weight of your containers at check out. U-pick fruit is charged by the pound. We provide maps for the fruits that aren’t as easy to find. If you are picking near the end of the day, please finish up by 15 minutes before closing time so we can get every customer taken care of before we close.
All Our Fruits…
Below is a comprehensive list of our u-pick fruit available throughout the season. Click through each type to see the seasons and our individual varieties. Note: months given are only approximate ranges. When a product is in season it will be explicitly stated under the “In Season Now” section.
August: William's Pride, Wynoochie Early, Lubsk Queen, Gravenstein, Chehalis, Akane
September: Liberty, Enterprise
October: Karmijin de Sonneville, Gold Rush
For organic u-pick apples, please visit us at our Scio location: Queener Farm
August: Shinseiki
July: Boysenberries, Kotatas
August - September: Triple Crown, Prime Ark Freedom
July - early September: Bluecrop, Blueray, and Berkeley
July: Black, Red, Pink, and White
August - September (starting 2025): Black elderberries
July: Pixwell Pink
September - October
October - November
June - July: Red (Cascade Harvest)
June: Hoods
May - August: Albions
In Season Now!
Coming soon starting Black Friday - pre-cut Christmas trees! Douglas Firs and Noble Firs