CSA information 2025
Important note for sign-ups: For your convenience and ours, we have moved CSA sign ups and checkout to our online store which is hosted through our Queener Farm website. We will no longer be using a google form. Fordyce Farm inc. owns and operates Queener Farm. Clicking a link to shop our CSA from here will redirect you to the Queener Farm website where you will find instructions for checkout and the ability to browse all our CSA options and add-ons from one page. This allows you to sign up and pay in one smooth transaction and secures your spot more quickly. If you have any questions about our new checkout process or other CSA questions, please feel free to reach out via email.
Share dates: We have a limited number of shares available and we expect them to fill quickly. Each whole share will receive a total of 16 boxes. Half shares will receive 8 boxes. Pickups for whole and early season begin June 14 and continue every Saturday until September 27. Late season begins August 9.
Pick up details: Pick up will take place at our farm store via check in at the front counter. Members may pick up during normal business hours every Saturday, Monday, or Tuesday. Produce will be at its peak freshness on Saturday. Boxes not picked up by closing time Tuesday will be unavailable and no refunds will be issued. If you are unable to pick up your box you may arrange to have a family member or friend pick it up for you. This year we will also offer pick up at Queener Farm’s stand at 40385 Queener Dr. Scio, OR via self serve at our barn. Members may pick up during property visiting hours of 7am-7pm Saturday through Tuesday. Boxes not picked up by end of day Tuesday will be unavailable and no refunds will be issued. If you are unable to pick up your box you may arrange to have a family member or friend pick it up for you.
Pricing information: Share pricing is based on the value of your weekly box being between $36-$40 for full boxes and $18-$20 for mini boxes.
It is important that all members of the CSA share be able to communicate easily via email.
Whole Season Harvest Share (16 boxes) - $620 for full box (BEST VALUE!) or $315 for mini box. Only 30 available - Reserve your spot now!
Produce galore! Enjoy your weekly boxes filled with seasonal produce. This year we are offering two box sizes. Our regular box is a full crate, adequate for the average household/family. The value of this weekly box will always be at least $36-$40. The mini box is a half crate, adequate for someone living solo. The value of the mini box will always be at least $18-$20. Freshly picked Fordyce Farm berries take center stage, surrounded by other in-season fruits and veggies both from our farm and other local producers. Additionally there will be some of our specialty fruits like currants, Cornelian cherries, and more with tips and recipes for using them. Substitutions are available for the specialty fruits for customers who would like to stick with more traditional produce. Some weeks we will offer a second option of an entire box of berries, apples, peaches, or pickling cucumbers in lieu of the regular produce mix - this is a great option for our CSA members who like to can/preserve. See below for a sample season to give you an idea of what you can expect to see in your box.Early Season Harvest Share (8 boxes) - $315 for full box or $160 for mini box - Only 10 available - Reserve your spot now!
See whole season harvest share description. Pickups begin June 14 and continue every Saturday until August 2.
PLEASE NOTE: Early Season Harvest Shares will likely be more fruit heavy. Late Season Harvest Shares will likely be more vegetable heavy.
Late Season Harvest Share (8 boxes) - $315 for full box or $160 for mini box - Only 10 available - Reserve your spot now!
See whole season harvest share description. Pickups begin August 9 and continue every Saturday until September 27.
PLEASE NOTE: Early Season Harvest Shares will likely be more fruit heavy. Late Season Harvest Shares will likely be more vegetable heavy.
ADD-ONS - We have several awesome add-on options for CSA members.
Bakery add-on: Each week you’ll get to take home some of our signature baked goods like cookies, scones, or pie. You’ll often get to choose from a few options. Weekly value is between $10-$18. Whole season $180, half season $95
Preserve the harvest add-on: Each week you’ll receive one of our preserved items. We have an array of jams, jellies, and fruit butters. Some weeks will be our choice of flavor, other weeks will be your choice. There will also be the opportunity to select our signature Apple Sauce or Garden Tomato Sauce on select weeks. Whole season $85, half season $45
Protein add-on: We have partnered with Oregon Valley Farm based in Lebanon to offer organic, grass-fed, grass-finished beef to your weekly pickup. Each week you will receive 1lb of ground beef. If you choose to substitute your ground beef with something else from the freezer, please plan to pay the difference as your pricing only factors ground beef. Pricing is COMING SOON!
Sample Season - in a typical growing season, here are some of the things you may find each month in your weekly box. These are just examples. There is often even more variety!
June: Strawberries, Lettuce, Radishes, Beets, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Cherries, Cucumbers, Peas
July: Blueberries, Kotota blackberries, Boysenberries, Currants, Cherries, Peaches, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Zucchini
August: Blueberries, Triple crown blackberries, Plums, Peaches, Sweet Corn, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Apples
September: Triple crown blackberries, Plums, Cornelian cherries, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Squash, Apples
Deadline to sign up for the whole season and early season CSA shares is May 31. Deadline for late season share is July 31.
Questions? Contact us at fordycefarminc@gmail.com