What is a Cornelian Cherry?

by Raymond Fordyce


And what are these pretty things?

They are cornelians, the fruit of the European dogwood. A uniquely terrible fruit to eat fresh(!), they are both quite sour and very astringent; your face collapses inward upon eating them. Here they are in our garden:

Why would you want these? Cornelians make the best jam I have ever tasted, bright, flavorful, and with that slight bite from the remaining astringency that you find in good black tea. Cornelian jam almost come across as sparkling!

My favorite use is to soak the cornelians in vodka with a little sugar for a few months to make cornelian cordial, a gorgeously bright red and flavorful addition to your cocktails. I drink it with whiskey and a little Peychaud’s Bitters on ice. This keeps me both healthy and happy all winter long.

Fordyce Farm